The benefits of grass fed, pesticide free meat

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Our beef is 100% pasture fed and raised.

This product meat with a healthy omega 3 to 6 ratio (similar to oily fish). It also has a higher mineral and vitamin count – it is really good for you!

Like most good things, red meat consumption should be kept in balance, but eating good quality, pasture fed meat only is a great way to improve your own health whilst helping the health of the planet too.

How is pasture fed meat good for the planet? The digestive system of a cow is designed for pasture – grass, herbs, clover and shrubs. Pasture also supports many insects, birds and other species and soil itself is a fabulous carbon sink.

Intensively reared cattle are fed soya or cereal crops. This requires huge amounts of chemical fertiliser, pesticides, water and fossil fuels as well as transportation impacts.

People can eat grains but they can’t eat grass. The UK is perfect for growing grass so it makes no sense to ship food for livestock across the globe