As an eternal optimist, I forever turn my attention towards thoughts of positivity and hope and I will either run a mile or turn my back on tales of woe and despair which so frequently surround us. My children, or one in particular, find it irritating that in their moments of complaining and off-loading, my […]
A few events have occurred resulting in this week’s development. I’ve wanted to use my huge, lovely driving horse, Dylan, for other things for a while. He looks at me knowingly, his eyes a pool of deep understanding that seem to connect into a place of profound wisdom. I sense he is here to […]
I’ve realised connections mean so many things and I have been working on connections of different sorts. Hedgerows create physical connections for so many creatures (birds, insects, rodents and of course the much loved hedgehogs) who can use them to move about and shelter or nest with a level of protection from predators. Modern management […]
The challenge I’ve had to recognise this week, which I really don’t want to face, is the matter of finances, both current and projected. It is easy to live beyond your means and in my enthusiasm, I have been doing just. I have been spending to make the many necessary changes across the farm, but […]
A fox came last night and took all our ducks, including our favourite mallard who we rescued 3 months ago after he was shot in the adjacent farmer’s field and his wing was half blown off. The other ducks graciously welcomed him into their clan and we all delighted in watching them waddle single file […]
My morning sit spot where daily I drink my first cup of tea and watch the sunrise; a place of contemplations, affirmations and realisations. Today I was awed by the barn owl whom I now see most days. She landed on the fence post directly opposite me. We watched each other for a while and […]